Khofifah Holds Simultaneous Vaccination Of 38 Thousand Students In East Java

SURABAYA - As many as 38 thousand High School/Vocational School students in East Java participated in the simultaneous vaccination. It is hoped that this vaccination will allow students to return to face-to-face learning.

"I launched a simultaneous vaccination for high school/vocational students throughout Java, with the hope that herd immunity (communal immunity), which will become a slope in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic, we can immediately realize in East Java", said the Governor of East Java, Khofiah Indar Parawansa, virtually to participants in East Java student vaccination, Thursday, August 5.

Vaccination for students is expected to be able to control COVID-19 cases in East Java. So that students can return to learn face-to-face in school.

"The distance learning method has been judged by many to be ineffective. We hope that through the completion of vaccinations for students, face-to-face learning in stages and in a limited manner can be resumed soon, of course with strict health protocols", she said.

Khofifah also asked the regents/mayors in East Java to immediately accelerate the vaccination of the 12-18 year olds, especially students. "Vaccination is a game-changer, the key that is very decisive so that people can work again, our children can study in school again, so that we can return to worship in peace, and also so that our economy can recover soon", she said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the East Java Education Office, Wahid Wahyudi, said that vaccination activities for students were a momentum to hold face-to-face learning in East Java.

"We are very grateful to Mrs. Governor who deigned to allocate 38 thousand doses of vaccine for 38 thousand high school/vocational students in East Java. So that face-to-face learning, which has been eagerly awaited by students, teachers, and parents, can soon be held", said Wahid.

According to Wahid, the implementation of the vaccine for students will complement the vaccines that have been given to teachers and education personnel in East Java.

"The vaccine for teachers and education personnel in East Java has almost reached 100 percent for all levels. Hopefully, the achievements for student vaccines can also be accelerated, so that limited face-to-face learning can be held soon", said Wahid.