ICW Has 3x24 Hours To Apologize To Moeldoko

JAKARTA - Head of the Presidential Staff Office, Moeldoko, plans to send a second subpoena to Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW). This subpoena relates to allegations of the Ivermectin drug business and rice exports.

"Tomorrow we will send another second subpoena to Egi and his friends," Moeldoko's lawyer, Otto Hasibuan, said at an online press conference, Thursday, August 5.

The subpoena that will be sent on Friday, August 6 contains a request that ICW provides evidence of Moeldoko's involvement in his accusations. In addition, ICW is also given 3x24 hours.

If later ICW can prove involvement, then Moeldoko will be responsible for all the consequences.

"If ICW can provide evidence regarding Mr. Moeldoko's involvement, I hereby state firmly that Mr. Moeldoko is ready to take responsibility both morally and legally", said Otto.

Otherwise, Moeldoko only asked ICW to apologize and withdraw all his accusations. Then, the problem is considered solved.

"But for example, ICW cannot prove the accusations, Mr. Moeldoko did not take them to the police. However, we ask them to withdraw the accusations. We will not report them immediately", said Otto.

However, if ICW cannot prove and apologize, legal steps will be considered. It all depends on the attitude that will be shown by ICW.

"If, for example, he can't prove it, but doesn't want to withdraw and apologize, of course, our client will consider the next step", said Otto.

Previously, Moeldoko demanded an apology from ICW for his alleged involvement with PT Harsen Laboratories, which is the drug manufacturer Ivermectin. The request was sent through a subpoena.

In addition, Moeldoko also demanded that ICW researcher, Egi Primayogha, submit evidence for the accusations which he considered slander.

"I allow ICW and to Brother Egi within 1x24 hours to prove his allegation that our client is involved in the distribution of Ivermectin", said Otto.