DKI Jakarta Makes Vaccination As A Requirement For Activities, COVID-19 Task Force: Remember, Vaccines Don't Replace 3M

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has made vaccination a requirement for activities in the capital city. Responding to this, the Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, reminded that even though you can carry out activities after being vaccinated, it does not mean that the 3M health protocol is not implemented.

Because, according to Wiku, vaccination does not guarantee a person will be protected from COVID-19 and cannot replace 3M implementation during a pandemic.

"Remember that vaccination cannot replace 3M's effectiveness in preventing the transmission of COVID-19 because this system needs to be maintained and work complementary, not replacing", said Wiku in a virtual press conference, Tuesday, August 3.

Wiku continued, if DKI Jakarta wants to implement a policy that its citizens must be vaccinated for their activities, then it must be based on considerations from various aspects, including the condition of the smallest-scale COVID-19 case, as well as the condition of the buffer zone and national.

He emphasized that because mobility between regions still occurs, and to ensure that the majority of people are protected from these risky activities, national vaccination is one of the government's priorities in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic.

"So far, the requirement for a vaccination card has been used as a travel document to and from the islands of Java and Bali, and the development of its application to other sectors is still being considered", he said.

For information, Anies has issued vaccination rules as a condition for activities. The rules are applied to employees and visitors to restaurants, food stalls, offices, malls, traditional markets, salons, hotels, places of worship, to wedding guests.

"Looking at the fact that in Jakarta the speed of vaccine delivery is quite high, and the reach of those who have been vaccinated has reached 7.5 million. So we decided that vaccines are part of the stages for community activities", said Anies some time ago.

Anies said that the opening in each sector will be carried out in stages, and it is certain that this stage must be related to vaccination.

"Before the activity starts, the actors in that sector, the actors of the activities must be vaccinated first. So, for example, a barber who wants to open, they may do so. But the barber must be vaccinated first, and those who want to shave must have been vaccinated. Those who want to eat in restaurants must also be vaccinated", he said.

Not only that, said Anies, but non-essential offices that want to carry out work from office (WFO), shopping centers, entertainment venues may also open if they have been vaccinated. Thus, the opening stage is accompanied by the necessity to vaccinate all perpetrators.