Irresponsible Hands Take Advantage Of The Crisis Of Oxygen Cylinders During A Pandemic

JAKARTA - The crisis in the availability of oxygen cylinders hit Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there are still many parties who seek the benefits behind it all. Evidently, the police uncovered the naughty practices of irresponsible parties. Noted, there are several cases revealed related to gas cylinders.

Not long ago, Metro Jaya Police arrested a man with the initials WS alias KR in the area of Prof. Dr. Hamka street in North Larangan, Tangerang, on July 27. He modified the tube of the Light Fire Extinguisher (APAR) into an oxygen cylinder.

"Revealing cases of trafficking in goods that do not meet the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) or that he produces and distributes medical devices that do not meet the standards," said Head of Public Relations of Metro Jaya Police Grand Commissioner Yusri Yunus to reporters, Friday, July 30.

In this case, investigators confiscated hundreds of fire extinguishers ready to be modified. There are at least two types that are secured.

"There are 114 tubes that we have secured with two types here, the first is the type of APAR tube used for fire fighting, then the second is actually APAR tube but this is for Co2," said Yusri

In addition, in his action, the suspect modified the fire extinguisher tube only by cleaning it with water. Then painted with white color to make it more like an oxygen cylinder.

The suspect's modus operandi is very dangerous. In addition to the tube can explode suddenly, people who use it can be poisoned because it contains Co2.

"What is the impact if it is filled with oxygen, because the thickness is different, it can explode and can contain poison, there are indications it can contain poison," said Yusri.

The results of the examination, the suspect is looking for profit. Because, for one tube of fire extinguisher the capital spent is only hundreds of thousands, but the profits are many times over.

"This tube usually costs Rp750 thousand, but after being filled, he can sell it for up to Rp5 million," said Grand Commissioner Yusri.

Then, a few days ago, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police also revealed a case with a similar mode.

Director of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police-Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Helmy Santika said there were six people named as suspects in the case. They were arrested at different locations.

"With regard to oxygen cylinders or changing, selling, and trading of modified APAR tubes for sale as oxygen cylinders, we have identified 6 suspects," said Helmy.

In addition to modifying oxygen cylinders not according to standards, they also sell them not according to the highest retail price. Because, they sell many times the capital they spend.

"For fire extinguishers (sold) between Rp2-3 million. Meanwhile, Rp700-900 thousand is the capital," said Helmy.

In addition to arresting them, the Bareksrim Polri along with the Regional Police also revealed the practice of hoarding COVID-19 therapeutic drugs. A total of 31 people were named suspects.

In the disclosure, hundreds of thousands of COVID-19 therapeutic drugs were confiscated. In fact, there is one case that reveals the rogue practice of a drug factory in the Cianjur area, West Java.

"There are 365,876 tablets of COVID-19 therapeutic drugs of various types, 62 vials of COVID-19 therapeutic drugs of various types, then 48 oxygen cylinders," he said.

"From the factory, we found 178,000 Azithromycin grains, 125 kilograms of material, which if produced into Azithromycin would produce 300 thousand grains," continued Helmy.

With the disclosure of these cases, the National Police continues to monitor all forms of drug distribution during the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the suspects are charged with Article 196 of Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health with a threat of 10 years in prison, Article 62 in conjunction with Article 10 of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection.