Sampang Regent Distributes Rice Aid To Residents Who Are Affected By PPKM

SAMPANG - Sampang Regent, East Java Slamet Junaidi distributed rice assistance to residents affected by the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The residents of Sampang who received the rice aid this time were 85.891 people", he said while handing over the aid symbolically at the Sampang Regency Government Hall, quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 29.

The recipients of this assistance are beneficiaries of the Family Hope Program (PKH) and Cash Social Assistance (BST).

According to the Regent, of the 85.891 recipients of this assistance, 64.258 were recipients of PKH assistance, and 21.633 were BST recipients.

He explained that the realization of the PPKM rice assistance program for residents affected by the tightening policy must be right on target.

Cooperation and support from relevant Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) including the Logistics Agency (Bulog Perum), Subdistrict Head, Village Government, and other sectors are necessary to oversee the distribution of aid.

The Sampang Regent also asked the community to work hand in hand in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic that occurred in Indonesia, especially in Sampang, such as obeying the health protocols.

"Let's also succeed in vaccination so that we are safe and healthy in the midst of the current pandemic", he explained.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Head of the Logistics Affairs Agency of Sub-Divre XII Madura in Sampang Husen ensured that the quality of the rice distributed to the recipients was in accordance with the established standards.

"The quality of Bulog's rice is medium or standard", said Husen.

Perum Bulog has appointed PT Dos Ni Roha (DNR) Corporation to act as a transporter in the realization of the delivery of rice aid until it reaches the recipient.

"The Bulog is only a provider and handed over to transporters, later it will be accompanied and supervised directly by DNR members", he said.