COVID Vaccination Rate In West Java Reaches 80 Percent, The regional Secretariat Setiawan Targets End Of Year Completion

JABAR - Regional Secretary of West Java Province (Jabar) Setiawan Wangsaatmaja said that West Java Province has reached 80 percent of vaccine usage rates from a number of vaccines sent by the central government in several batches.

So that West Java does not leave much stock of vaccines in storage and shipping (dropping) warehouses. Finally, from the central government to West Java, nine million doses have been distributed and 80 percent have been distributed.

"This vaccine is distributed from the central government, so if we look at the last dropping of nine million doses, the achievement (rate of use) is 80 percent", he said while reviewing mass vaccinations for tourism players at a hotel in Bandung City, Antara, Thursday, July 29.

This high usage rate is due to the efforts of all stakeholders to accelerate vaccination so that the West Java vaccination coverage reaches the expected figure of 70 percent of the total population.

The population of West Java is almost 50 million people so that the target for vaccination coverage is 37 million people.

"We are pursuing that West Java plans it to be completed by the end of this year, and even then, it depends on the availability of the vaccine. We have already broken down how many districts/cities (targets) should be per day to be vaccinated", said Setiawan.

The West Java Provincial Government together with the Regency/City Government have mobilized primary service health centers such as public health centers (puskesmas) and hospitals to function in vaccination.

Setiawan appreciated the efforts of all stakeholders in holding mass vaccinations in various regions.

As consistently runs the National Armed Force/the National Police (TNI/Polri) through Vaccine Incursions which can reach 160.000 per day, including what has been done by the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Bandung City, to tourism business actors.

"Such as this from tourism to accelerate herd immunity because the West Java target of 37 million people who must be vaccinated is very large", he said.

According to him, collaborative efforts are very important because if you rely on the government alone, the group immunity target will be difficult to achieve.

With the vaccination of group immunity, the economy will automatically move gradually. Tourism has always been the mainstay of West Java to bring in local revenue.

No less important, he said, the public must be more disciplined in implementing health protocols such as wearing masks, washing hands with soap, maintaining distance, staying away from crowds, and limiting mobility.

On the one hand, the government continues to strive to strengthen testing and tracing as much and as soon as possible. So that when someone is found to be positive, immediately self-isolate either at home, at the village isolation center, or be treated in a hospital.

"In line with that is vaccination because people must be given high immunity, although positive, it is not much more fatal than those who have not been vaccinated", he said.