Good News For DKI Residents, Rice Social Assistance Distributed Starting Tomorrow

JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government through the Social Service will distribute social assistance in the form of rice starting tomorrow. The recipients of the rice social assistance are residents who are registered as recipients of cash social assistance (BST) stages 5 and 6.

The DKI Provincial Government rice assistance was given to 1,007,379 beneficiary families (KPM). Each KK will receive 10 kilograms of premium rice. Head of the DKI Social Service Office, Premi Lasari, said that the distribution of the rice assistance was carried out from July 29 to August 17.

The distribution of rice is carried out by Perumda Pasar Jaya and PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya to the RT and RW levels, which are then distributed to KPM by RT and RW (Citizens Association) officials.

"We already have data by name by address (BNBA) for KPM BSNT, which was submitted today to providers, namely Pasar Jaya and Food Stations to be distributed at RW location points", said Premi in her statement, Wednesday, July 28.

Furthermore, the RW will again check the number and condition of the package, then sign the Minutes of Inspection and Handover (BAPST), and distribute it to KPM according to BNBA.

However, said Premi, there are still 99,743 families who have not been able to assist because it is known that there is a potential for duplication with non-cash social assistance recipients from the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs. "Currently, the Ministry of Social Affairs is doing the matching of the data", She said.

BSNT was distributed to people in 5 administrative cities and the Thousand Islands as many as 907,616 families. The details are Central Jakarta as many as 50,526 families, North Jakarta as many as 181,367 families, West Jakarta as many as 73,948 families, South Jakarta as many as 142,029 families, East Jakarta as many as 457,250 families, and the Thousand Islands as many as 2,496 families.