Suicide Bombings In Iraq, 35 Dead And Dozens Injured

JAKARTA - A suicide bomb exploded at a market in Baghdad, Iraq, on the eve of Eid al-Adha, Monday 19 July. The incident killed 35 people and injured dozens more.

Quoting France24, Tuesday, July 20, it was reported that the body parts of the victims of the explosion were strewn across the market, which was previously very crowded with residents who wanted to buy various foodstuffs to prepare for the Eid celebrations.

A police source said more than 60 people were injured. The death toll could continue to rise because some of the injured were in critical condition.

The incident that destroyed several shops killed the victims consisting of children and women. The details of the incident were in the market of Ehlat, Sadr City, the Iraqi military said in a statement.

"The terror attack used a locally made IED (improvised explosive device)", the Iraqi Interior Ministry said in a statement.

On social media, it has also been circulating how the incident after the bomb exploded, the victims were covered in blood and the people were hysterical around them.

ISIS, in a message posted on its Telegram channel, claimed responsibility for the attack. It said an ISIS fighter detonated his vest bomb in the crowd.

Iraqi President Barham Salih called the bomb attack a heinous crime. He also offered his condolences to the victim's family.

"They targeted our civilians in Sadr City on the eve of Eid. They don't allow people to have fun, even for a moment", Barham explained in a message on Twitter.

This is the third bomb attack this year. In April, at least four people were killed in a car bomb attack in Sadr City.