PGI Prepares Guidelines For Church Worship In A New Condition Of Normality

JAKARTA - The Daily Workers' Council of the Fellowship of Churches in Indonesia (MPH-PGI) has prepared a protocol for the implementation of worship during the implementation of the new normal or new normality that the government has discussed. It is hoped that the congregation can continue to worship in accordance with the new life order.

PGI General Chairman Gomar Gultum conveyed that the discourse "New Normal" is a condition in which the spread of Covid-19 has been controlled and the Covid-19 pandemic curve has decreased so that people can adapt to the situation in question.

"The application of worship protocols with a normal order can only be implemented in areas with a green zone category which is possible for the easing of the PSBB," wrote Gomar in a press statement received by VOI, Friday, June 5.

Gomar said the worship duration would not be limited. However, regarding the limitation on the number of congregants, it is currently being reviewed in accordance with the prescribed health security verification.

He added that PGI is in the capacity to provide guidance. Meanwhile, the implementation of worship will be handed back to each church in a number of areas.

"PGI also believes that congregational worship can be carried out with various strict restrictions only in areas that have experienced a constant decline in the Covid-19 pandemic curve. In addition, only in areas that have been designated by the government as safe zones based on the indicators that have been made," he explained.

He continued, to find out the movement of the Covid-19 pandemic curve and the status of area zoning, each Church Synod and member congregation needs to access accurate information and coordinate with the government (Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling Covid-19) and local health authorities.

"It is very risky if worship in the form of a crowd of people continues to be held in areas where the spread of Covid-19 has not been controlled and the curve has not yet dropped and sloped," he said.

Previously reported, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy asked religious organizations or communities to immediately make standard procedures for activities in places of worship in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The guideline in question is the Circular of the Minister of Religion Number 15 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for Religious Activities in Houses of Worship to Avoid the Spread of Covid-19 which contains standard operational procedures in places of worship such as maintaining distance, providing a place to wash hands or hand sanitizers, and checking. body temperature for the congregation.

In addition, in this regulation, houses of worship must ensure that the implementation of worship activities is held in an area or environment that is safe from COVID-19, as well as submit a safe certificate from the local task force.