6 British Olympic Athletes In Close Contact With COVID-19 Positive People On The Plane To Japan

JAKARTA - Six British athletic athletes and two staff members were forced to isolate after being identified as having close contact with an individual who tested positive for COVID-19 on their flight to Japan.

"The British Olympic Association (BOA) can confirm that six athletes and two members of the athletics team, through no fault of their own, have been identified as being in close contact with an individual - not a Team GB delegate - who tested positive for COVID-19 on an inbound flight. them on July 15, 2021," the BOA said in a statement.

The group has been flagged through the Tokyo 2020 report service and is now undergoing a period of self-isolation in their rooms at the team's preparation camp. None of the six athletes were named.

"The group all tested negative at the airport and have continued with negative tests on their arrival in the country," the BOA added, noting that it has operated its own COVID-19 test protocol and mitigation measures.

"This is disappointing news for athletes and staff, but we fully respect the protocol in place," said Mark England's Chef de Mission England.

"We will provide all our support during this period and we hope they will be able to resume training soon."

This comes after Tokyo Olympics organizers on Sunday reported the first cases of COVID-19 among participants living in athletes' villages, raising fears that the Games will become a super-virus event just five days before the opening ceremony.

South Africa confirmed four positive cases, including three in its football squad - two players and an analyst. The country's sevens rugby coach Neil Powell also tested positive on arrival in Japan and is in isolation.

In total, 11,000 athletes will spend time living in the village but will spend fewer days in Japan than at other Olympics due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Postponed last year due to the pandemic, the Olympics received little public support amid widespread fears about the further spread of the coronavirus.

The infection rate rose among ordinary Tokyo residents, peaking to more than 1,000 new cases for the fourth day in a row.

On Saturday, International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach acknowledged concerns in Japanese society but asked them to welcome the athletes.