4 Workers In Close Contact With Chinese Foreign Workers At Oil Companies In Maluku Positive For COVID-19

AMBON - Four oil company workers in Bula, the capital of the Eastern Seram Regency (SBT), have tested positive for COVID-19. They are thought to have been infected by foreign workers (TKA) from China because they had close contact.

"They are co-workers of Cao Changqin a foreign worker from China who first tested positive for COVID-19. They are currently undergoing self-isolation", said Adonya Rerung, a spokesman for the Maluku COVID-19 Handling Task Force, in Ambon, quoted by Antara, Friday, July 16.

According to him, after the foreign worker from China was tested positive, the SBT COVID-19 Task Force carried out tracking and tracing of the oil company workers who had contact with the foreigner.

"After a rapid antigen test was carried out, the results were four workers tested positive. They claimed to have had contact with Cao Changqin before the Chinese foreign worker was treated at the Bula Hospital," he said.

Test samples of the four workers have been taken including foreign workers from China and sent for laboratory testing at the Class II Environmental Health and Disease Control Engineering Center (BTL-PP) Ambon.

"Only a positive rapid antigen test result can actually be judged if someone is indicated to be infected with COVID-19. However, to prove it, a PCR test is needed and it will take three to four days for the results to be obtained", he said.

He has instructed the SBT COVID-19 Task Force to intensify antigen tests as an initial screening to determine the spread of the virus in the region.

"Currently, 19 PCR samples have been sent to Ambon for inspection at BTKL-PP, including the four oil company workers and foreign workers from China", he said.

A total of 14 samples of the PCR test, each seven health workers at the Bula Hospital and seven employees from one of the offices in SBT.

Previously, it was reported that Chinese foreign worker Cao Changqin was isolated at the Bula Hospital, East Seram Regency (SBT) because it was indicated that he was infected with COVID-19.

The foreign worker who worked as a surveyor arrived in Bula by plane on July 4 and lived in the Administrative Village of Kampung Gorom, Bula District.

Two days later the Chinese foreigner checked his health condition at the Bula Hospital on Tuesday, July 6 with complaints of fever, flu, and cough.

After an antigen swab test, it turned out that Cao was confirmed positive for COVID-19. Cao also underwent self-isolation at the Bula Hospital.