Update On COVID-19 As Of June 3: The Number Of Patients Recovering In Several Cities Is High

JAKARTA - Government spokesman for the handling of COVID-19, Achmad Yurianto, explained that there were 684 additional positive cases on Wednesday, June 3. So that the total number of positive patients reached 28,233 people.

Additions also occurred for patients who were declared cured. There were 471 people who were declared cured of COVID-19, bringing the total to a total of 8,406 people.

Meanwhile, for cases of death, it decreased slightly when compared to the previous data. As many as 35 people died from contracting COVID-19 for a total of 1,698 people.

For cases of people under monitoring (ODP) the number reached 48,153 people. Meanwhile, for patients under surveillance (PDP) it reached 13,285 people.

"Today we have examined 11,970 specimens, both the ones we checked through real time PCR and the molecular rapid test method. We can verify all of them. So that the total we have examined up to now is 354,434 specimens," said Yuri at Graha BNPB, Jakarta. , Wednesday, June 3.

The recovered cases are quite high

If you refer to the data from the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19, the number of cases recovered is quite large when compared to positive cases for each region. For example in DKI Jakarta, the number of recovered patients is quite high, reaching 187 patients.

"DKI Jakarta has increased by 82 new positive people, but the number of patients recovered today is 187 people," said Yuri

Then, several areas that also had quite a number of cases recovered, namely, East Java with 100 patients and Papua around 78 patients who were declared cured of COVID-19.

"East Java has the highest positive cases as many as 183 people, but we see who recovered today is 100 people," said Yuri.

"In Papua we see that yesterday was quite high and now 39 are still positive, if we look at the reported cases of recovery as many as 78 people," continued Yuri ending.