Nurhadi's Luxury Car Rows: Toyota Camry To Mini Cooper

JAKARTA - Former Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Nurhadi owns four luxury cars with various brands such as the Toyota Camry to the Mini Cooper. Nurhadi is a suspect in the suspicion of bribery and gratuity with his son-in-law Riezki Herbiyono worth IDR46 billion.

In his State Organizer's Asset Report (LHKPN), Nurhadi has assets amounting to Rp33,417,646,000. He last reported the LHKPN in November 2012.

Of the total assets, Nurhadi has recorded immovable assets in the form of land and buildings worth IDR 7,362,646,000. The land and buildings are located in South Jakarta, Bogor Regency, Malang Regency, Kudus Regency, Mojokerto Regency, Kediri Regency and Tulungagung Regency.

Meanwhile, for movable assets in the form of transportation, there are four luxury cars in the form of the Toyota Camry in 2010, the Mini Cooper in 2010, the Lexus in 2010, and the Jaguar which were produced in 2004 with a value of Rp.4,005,000,000.

Apart from cars, Nurhadi was also recorded as having other movable assets with a value of Rp. 11,275,000,000. These movable assets are in the form of precious stones with a value of IDR 8,625,000,000, art and antiques with a value of IDR1 billion, and other movable objects with a value of IDR1,150,000,000.

KPK Building (Muhammad Iqbal / VOI)

The former MA Secretary was also recorded as having movable assets in the form of demand deposits and cash equivalents with a value of Rp10,775,000,000 and was not recorded as having debts.

It is known, after being arrested and taken to the KPK Red and White House for further investigation, Nurhadi and his son-in-law were sent to the KPK Rutan Kavling C1 for the next 20 days.

Nurhadi and his son-in-law were named by the KPK as suspects in the alleged bribery and gratuity case of Rp46 billion. The suspect was named when the KPK was still chaired by Agus Rahardjo.

"After observing the facts that developed in the investigation and trial, the KPK found sufficient preliminary evidence in bribery cases related to the handling of cases carried out around 2015-2016 and gratuities related to office and contrary to their duties and obligations which were not reported in the maximum term. 30 working days to the KPK, "said KPK Deputy Chairperson Saut Situmorang in a press conference for determining the suspect in December 2019.

The bribe is suspected to be related to the processing of civil cases at the Supreme Court. In addition, Nurhadi is also suspected of being caught in a graft case related to the handling of land dispute cases at the cassation level and a judicial review at the Supreme Court.

"So, overall NHD (Nurhadi) through RHE (Rezky Herbiyono) has received promises in the form of 9 checks from PT MIT as well as bribes or gratuities totaling Rp46 billion," said Saut.

The case that ensnared Nurhadi and his son-in-law was a case development of a hand-catching operation (OTT) in the case arrangement case at the Supreme Court in 2016.

In this silent operation, the anti-corruption agency ensnared Central Jakarta District Court (PN) clerk Edy Nasution and an employee of PT Artha Pratama, Doddy Aryanto Supeno. Furthermore, the KPK, which continues to develop cases, also ensnares the former President Commissioner of the Lippo Group, Eddy Sindoro.

Returning to the case that ensnared Nurhadi, after being declared a suspect and absent twice from the suspect's examination, the KPK named Nurhadi and Riezky as fugitives.

"The suspects who after being summoned twice as suspects, namely NH, et al, were absent or absent from the summons of KPK investigators, so we convey that the KPK has published a wanted list, DPO," said Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fikri to reporters at his office.

Then, on Monday, June 1, former Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Nurhadi and his son-in-law Riezky Herbiyono ended up at a house in the Simprug area, South Jakarta. This escape ended in the hands of senior KPK investigator Novel Baswedan, who is said to be the leader in the arrest operation.