KPK Asks For Time To Investigate Azis Syamsuddin Even Though His Involvement Is Mentioned In The Tanjungbalai Mayor's Indictment
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has asked the public to give time to investigate the role of Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Azis Syamsuddin in the bribery case of Tanjungbalai Mayor M Syahrial against investigator Stepanus Robin Pattuju.
Whereas the role of the Golkar Party politician as the initiator of the introduction between M Syahrial and Stepanus Pattuju has been mentioned by the Public Prosecutor (JPU). This was done when Syahrial's indictment was read at the Medan Corruption Court on Monday, July 12 yesterday.
KPK chairman Firli Bahuri asked the public to give investigators more time to explore the role of Azis Syamsuddin in the bribery case committed by M Syahrial against Stepanus, a 'case broker'. The reason is that the anti-corruption commission needs sufficient evidence to establish a person as a suspect.
"We continue to work and give our time to complete the investigation," Firli told reporters, Tuesday, July 13.
He said that currently his subordinates are still working to collect evidence to strengthen the involvement of other parties in the bribery case. This is important because the KPK upholds the principles of their main duties ranging from the public interest, legal certainty, to upholding human rights.
For this reason, they do not want to rashly designate someone as a suspect. "KPK will explore all the information to reveal the case and who did it," said Firli.
The former deputy for prosecution of the Corruption Eradication Commission also ensures that anyone involved in this case will not escape punishment. However, Firli asked the public to remain patient waiting for the results of the investigation carried out by the investigators.
"Anyone who is involved with sufficient evidence will not be indiscriminate because that is the working principle of the KPK," he said.
Furthermore, he ensured that after the evidence needed to ensnare a suspect was met, his party would make an announcement to the public.
The indictment read by the prosecutor stated that the introduction between Syahrial and Robin took place in October 2020. At that time, Syahrial, who is the Mayor of Tanjungbalai who is also a Golkar Party cadre, came to Azis Syamsuddin's official residence on Jalan Denpasar Raya, Kuningan, South Jakarta.
On that occasion Azis offered Syahrial to get acquainted with Robin. The reason was that at that time he was going to run in the 2021 Regional Head Election (Pilkada) but was hampered by information from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) report regarding the work in Tanjungbalai.
In addition, Syahrial also has information that the case of buying and selling positions in the Tanjungbalai City Government is being investigated by the KPK. At that introduction, Robin called himself a KPK investigator by showing his employee card.
"Stepanus Robin Pattuju stated that he was an investigator from the KPK by showing the KPK ID or name tag belonging to Stepanus Robin Pattuju with Employee Identification Number (NPP) 0002215 to the Defendant," said the prosecutor when reading the indictment.
From that introduction, Syahrial asked Stepanus as the KPK investigator to help so that the case of buying and selling positions being investigated did not move up from investigation to investigation. This request was then granted and the two exchanged cell phone numbers.
After a few days, Robin contacted his friend, Maskur Husain, who is an advocate or lawyer. At that time, Robin said that there was a request for assistance to take care of the case from the Tanjungbalai area, North Sumatra.
"Then Maskur Husain agreed to help with the management of the case as long as there was a fund of Rp 1.5, which then Maskur Husain's request was approved by Stepanus Robin Pattuju to be submitted to the defendant," said the prosecutor.
This agreement was then conveyed to Syahrial. Furthermore, the Mayor of Tanjungbalai City agreed to this, leading to the giving of a sum of money through bank accounts and cash transactions.
Seeing Azis' role as the initiator of the introduction, a criminal law expert from Trisakti University Abdul Fickar Hadjar assessed that the politician could be charged with punishment.
"If it is true that there is a member of the DPR RI who is the initiator of introducing KPK investigators to the defendant, then he can be qualified as the perpetrator," said Fickar.
He explained that in criminal law there are categories of participant actors and this is stated in Articles 55 and 56 of the Criminal Code.
Article 55 of the Criminal Code explains that participant actors are those who take part and also do those who order, give, promise something by abusing power, violence, threats or providing opportunities, facilities or information to other people who commit crimes.
Meanwhile, Article 56 of the Criminal Code states that the participating actors are those who assist at the time of a crime, provide opportunities for committing crimes.
Based on these two articles, Fickar said the anti-corruption commission should be able to immediately conduct an investigation and determine the legal status of Azis Syamsuddin in this bribery case. "The concept of perpetrators in criminal law is broad, in addition to direct perpetrators, there are also parties who participate in committing criminal acts," he concluded.