For Indoor Ornamental Plants, This Is The Benefit Of Putting Charcoal In The Pot

JAKARTA – Adding indoor decorations with ornamental plants has a positive effect. If the plants on display are useful for cleaning the air, it will make the room air feel fresh. Another effect, based on feng shui indoor plants are good for balancing energy.

In addition to placing ornamental plants, of course you need to know how to take good care of them. Instead of providing watering according to the needs of the plant, sometimes it is so sad that it becomes too much and often watered.

This is one of the benefits of charcoal placed in indoor ornamental plant pots. Charcoal can reduce overwatering or overwatering. Some plants do not like moist soil.

Moist soil is also a potential for mold growth, where bacteria multiply, and rot in the roots.

Planting media for indoor ornamental plants can also be mixed with husk charcoal. This husk charcoal is made from burned husks and contains substances that are good for plant growth. Besides being good for ornamental plants, husk charcoal is also often used as a compost mixture on agricultural land.

For plants, the most widely used types of charcoal are husk, coconut shell or shell charcoal, wood charcoal, and sawdust charcoal. Of these types of charcoal, in addition to overcoming overwatering in ornamental plants in the house, they are also useful as follows:

Keeps the pH of the soil or growing medium balanced. Remove pesticides. Keep soil moist. Protect plants from fungal infections.

Reported by the Tulang Bawang Agriculture Service page, Tuesday, July 13, husk charcoal also has many unknown benefits, including the following:

Keep the soil condition remains loose. Stimulating the growth of microorganisms that are beneficial to plants As an absorbent to reduce the number of harmful pathogens, and finally increasing the absorption and binding capacity of the soil to water.

Well, from the above benefits, there's no harm in adding charcoal to your plant pots at home. If it is not possible to add husk charcoal, you can add the surface of the planting medium with wood charcoal.

Besides being useful for making ornamental plants thrive away from problems, wood charcoal can also add more decorativeness.