Moeldoko Ensures The Paid Vaccination Program Doesn't Eliminate The Free Ones

JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Moeldoko ensured that the implementation of the self-paid vaccine or the independent Mutual Cooperation (VGR) vaccination was an initiative and participation of the nation's components.

The existence of independent VGR does not erase the free people's vaccine program run by the government.

"It will not replace or abolish the people's vaccine program that is provided by the government for free", said Moeldoko in a press release received in Jakarta, Tuesday, July 13.

The government remains committed to providing free COVID-19 vaccines for the people to protect them and create community immunity or herd immunity.

He stressed that the government even accelerated the target of providing vaccines to 1 million per day in July and will be increased again in August. "The range of vaccinations also continues to be expanded", he said.

Therefore, he said, the government asked for the support of all parties to be involved in this vaccination program, so that the Indonesian people would soon get out of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of those who want to be involved is entrepreneurs and corporations through the independent VGR program.

"They took the initiative and wanted to participate in helping the government in accelerating the vaccination target that was announced. So this is a form of initiative and participation to help the government accelerate the community vaccination target", said Moeldoko again.

According to Moeldoko, good governance is a government that continues to carry out its obligations in protecting its people to the maximum, while at the same time providing alternative spaces of choice for its citizens to do their best.

So, said Moeldoko, free vaccinations by the government will still be carried out and the public does not need to worry about the number of free vaccines available.

"Basically, this Mutual Cooperation Vaccine is held to give people an option in getting vaccines independently in addition to government program vaccinations which are held free of charge. There is no element of coercion, which can please and reduce the burden on the state budget", said Moeldoko.

Previously, the Minister of Health Regulation (Permenkes) Number 10 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Vaccination stated that legal entities or businesses could carry out mutual cooperation vaccinations for individuals.

Then, this rule was changed to Permenkes Number 19 of 2021 where article 5 paragraph 5 states that the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination for individuals or individuals is borne by the person concerned.