5 Factors Affecting Husband And Wife Relationship Satisfaction

JAKARTA – For long-term couples or married couples, sex can be more satisfying because they know each other's likes, dislikes, habits, and preferences. Daily aspects can also be a barrier but should put sex as a special thing.

To keep it interesting and always covet each other can be cultivated. For example, starting with spending time alone, going on a date to a historical place in your and your partner's love story, or improving communication patterns.

Well, what are the factors that affect the satisfaction of you and your partner's sexual relationship? The following is quoted from Verywell Mind that can be cultivated or built as the main pillar to get intimacy that stays warm.

1. Communication

This may sound cliché, but communication is an important factor for married couples. When you and your partner have their respective jobs that make a little distance, of course, it can be tightened again with communication.

Chatting about small things can be a great start. Then they can exchange their thoughts and deepest feelings with each other. Communication patterns can embroider intimacy and feel great sexual activity.


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2. Know each other's wishes and expectations

With communication, couples can share stories about each other's desires and hopes. With communication, couples can open up to each other about thoughts and fantasies. Honesty and openness are the second factors that have a big influence on sexual satisfaction.

3. Have an agenda

Busyness is not an excuse to ignore making out with your partner. Therefore, every couple needs to have a special agenda for the two of them.

4. Close affective aspect

Not only sharing words verbally, affective aspects that are expressed through actions can also be strengthened by giving hugs, being flirtatious occasionally, and giving kisses every day. You can also send a romantic message to build passion tonight.

5. The initiative to make love more often

Never assume your partner is the only person who has the responsibility to give you the initiative. That is, the initiative is the responsibility of both to get a pleasant intimate relationship.

Besides the five factors above, you and your partner need to take good care of yourself. Because a healthy sex life is related to physical, emotional, and mental health.