Next Month, Jelly Bean OS Users Can No Longer Update Applications

JAKARTA - Android users who are still using the Jelly Bean operating system (OS) must be tolerant. Google plans to stop Google Play services for the old OS in August.

Jelly Bean is the publicly known dessert name for its three releases, starting with Android 4.1 in July 2012. And improving UI performance on the Nexus 7 included in Project Butter.

Then in November of the same year, the company released Android 4.2 on the Nexus 4 and 10 with bigger interface changes to the Lock Screen and Quick Settings. The last Jelly Bean release was Android 4.3 in July 2013 for the Nexus 7 2nd generation.

From Google's data compiled by VOI, Friday, July 9, the number of active devices for Jelly Bean is below 1 percent starting this month. Google will stop updating Play services at the end of August 2021. Includes API levels 16, 17, and 18. Last update is coming 21.30.99.

"Since then Android has released many improvements and features not all of which are backported to Jelly Bean. This results in increased developer time and QA spent on new features that require special handling. Therefore, we are discontinuing support for Jelly Bean in this release Google Play services in the future," said Google.

Google's current guide for app developers is to use API level 19 (KitKat) as the minimum supported API level.

"A very small percentage of all Android devices use API level less than 19. We believe that many of these older devices may not be actively used. If your app still has a large number of users on the old device, you can use Google's multi-APK support Play to submit APKs that use Google Play services 21.30.99," explained Google.

For information, users who are still using the old device can still install the latest version of the application on Google Play, but cannot update the application.