This Is A Series Of Twitter Privacy Features That Users Ask For

JAKARTA - It seems that social media is now focusing on its privacy features. Not long ago WhatsApp also pinned it. Now it's Twitter's turn to share information about several concepts that will be applied to its new features related to conversation and privacy settings.

Compiled from TechCrunch, Thursday, July 8, this feature also includes the latest Privacy Check-in feature. The company brought the concept forward by introducing the option to control conversations on Twitter to users, and get more privacy.

Of these features, the Privacy Check-in feature is probably the most widely used. Twitter's innovation to bring a variety of new features also makes services on the platform more complex and is expected to increase security that provides a valuable experience for users.

Users will be presented with a series of questions to help them determine the publicity they want on Twitter. For example, users can choose whether or not everyone can see their tweets. Then, users can also specify who can send them direct messages, or who can tag them in photos.

In addition, there are other concepts that are also being considered. Such as giving users the option to determine whether they want to post their tweets publicly or privately.

This concept will also work by adding a reminder to the user when in private mode, other people will not be able to see the reply to the conversation that will be sent by the user. This concept will also provide an option to redirect a user's tweet that was previously in private mode to the public so that they can participate in the conversation.

Finally, there is also a concept that allows users to set the level of discovery ability of their account. This can be especially useful when someone is in a situation that could attract public attention, such as being harassed.

When these conditions exist, it is possible to attract a lot of public attention on social media and launch attacks on that person. People with the condition may report attacks directed at them as a form of abuse.

However, such reporting, of course, cannot stem the number of attacks that come in succession. Usually, people with this condition will set their Twitter account to private mode or even delete the account.

With the concept to set the level of account discovery capabilities. Users can be warned about the existence of increased negative attention their account is receiving. This warning is given through a notification and then redirected to the privacy settings.

It allows users to disable the ability to discover their accounts by other Twitter users. So temporarily when the account discovery capability is disabled, other users cannot find the account name of the respective user. In addition, there is also an option to deactivate the account so that it does not appear in the recommendation feature to follow.

It should be noted, although the concepts in the sound interesting and innovative, but Twitter said if this is just a concept and not a feature that is being built by the company.

It is known that this concept was born from the aspirations of various user communities on Twitter. With the shared concept, it indicates that the company is considering various inputs from its users while waiting for the next step.