This Is How To Check The PPKM Emergency Cash Social Assistance Rp. 300.0003

JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Social Affairs is said to immediately disburse social assistance (bansos) in cash of Rp. 300,000 to the community in connection with the stipulation of the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) on July 3-20.

Citing the Ministry of Social's Instagram page, it was revealed that the cash assistance which previously ended in April, will be redistributed for the period of May and June at once.

"This effort to accelerate the distribution of aid is expected to help vulnerable groups as a result of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic," the ministry led by Tri Rismaharini wrote on Tuesday, July 6.

In the upload, it is explained that people who are entitled to this program are asked to cash out at the Post Office or Himbara Bank appointed by the government.

It was also disclosed that the state apparatus will supervise the expenditure receipts of the people who receive the social assistance to ensure that the money received is used for spending on basic needs.

"Hopefully it can be realized (disbursement of social assistance) no later than the second week of this month," said Social Minister Tri Rismaharini as in one of the photos uploaded.

So, how do you find out if you are a recipient of the Emergency PPKM cash social assistance? The following are the stages of checking as reported by the Ministry of Social Affairs.

1. Visit the page

2. Enter the data for the province, district, sub-district, and village/kelurahan

3. Enter the name of the recipient according to the Identity Card (KTP)

4. Enter the two words listed in the code box

5. Click the data finder button.