Three Months Of Waiting In Hospital, This Dog Does Not Know Its Owner Has Died Of COVID-19

JAKARTA - A dog named Xiao Bao waited for its owner for three months in the lobby of Takiang Hospital, Wuhan Province. Unfortunately, Xiao Bao did not realize that the owner, who since February has been hospitalized, has been one of the thousands of victims who died as a result of the COVID-19 attack that struck Wuhan.

The owner Xiao Bao, who is known to be an elderly person, has died five days after being admitted to the hospital.

The seven-year-old Mongrel breed waited months for its employer, often being fed by hospital staff until the key was removed from Wuhan on April 13. Then Wu Cuifen, a shopkeeper who worked at the Hospital minimarket, adopted him.

Quoted from the Daily Mail UK issue of 25 May 2020, Wu Cuifen saw the dog when he returned to work after the shop was allowed to operate.

"I first noticed the little dog when I returned to work in mid-April. I called him Xiao Bao. That's the name I gave him. The hospital staff told me, the owner Xiao Bao, an elderly person who was being treated for coronavirus. Then he died, but Xiao Bao doesn't know and just stays in the hospital looking for him. " Cuifen said.

Wu Cuifen also said that this dog was really loyal. He felt that they quickly got along, even every day Xiao Bao waited for him to open the shop in the morning.

“I became familiar with the dog and then took him to the shop. Every morning when I open the shop, Xiao Bao will be there waiting for me. ”Wu Cuifen continued.

Before being adopted by Wu Cuifen, Takiang Hospital had received complaints from several patients and visitors because Xiao Bao often wandered the corridors and lobby of the hospital.

They had kept the dog away from the hospital area, but it was in vain. Xiao Bao returned to the hospital again to wait for his employer.

The hospital then contacted the Animal Protection Association in Wuhan.

Now Xiao Bao is at the animal shelter, after previously Xiao Bao was taken to the vet and sterilized. Many animal lovers offer to care for this loyal dog.