History Of Struggle Behind THR Must Pay One Month Salary

JAKARTA - The holiday allowance (THR) of workers in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic is being discussed. The workers demanded that the company continue to pay a 'bonus' which amounted to one month's salary. However, not all companies are able to fulfill this due to the impact of this pagebluk.

Due to blight, many workers are being threatened with having their THR cut. In fact, it is not paid at all. Last Friday (22/5), for example, the Dunkin Donuts franchise company union held a demonstration at the company's head office because the THR was not paid by a unilateral decision. They were forced to take action amidst these Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB).

"We have to do this action because Dunkin 'Donuts management does not pay THR and wages on time. Meanwhile, workers and their families really need THR to survive during the PSBB due to the COVID-19 pandemic," said the Secretary General of the Association of Trade Unions. Indonesia (ASPEK) Indonesia Sabda Pranawa Djati in his official statement quoted by CNBC Indonesia. Move to another place. In Depok, the City Manpower Office (Disnaker) recorded five complaints from employees who had not received THR on Thursday (21/5). As of this writing, of the five cases, one has been completed, while the other four cases are in process.

The complaint is resolved by means of an agreement between the employee and the company. The average employee complains from hospitals, printers, and motorbike or car dealerships.

After mediating, the Depok Manpower Office said the main reason for the company to delay paying employees' THR was the lack of income during the pandemic. However, the Manpower Office requested that companies continue to pay according to the provisions.

Workers in the Capital City (Angga Nugraha / VOI)

"THR is the right of all employees who have worked for one full year or several months. The amount is adjusted to the length of service. So companies are obliged to pay THR for whatever reason," said the Head of Depok Manpower Office, Manto, quoted by Tempo.

If the company is unable to pay the THR in full at the specified time, Manto gave an example that the THR can be given in stages. In addition, if the company is unable to pay at all at this time, it can be postponed until the period agreed by both parties. With so many options, there is really no reason the company can't pay the THR.

History of the THR

This paper does not discuss the polemic. But just a reminder of the story of the struggle behind the THR which can be up to one month's salary. There is a long history before workers can earn the THR they are today. Because when it first appeared, the amount was still not feasible.

The term THR first appeared during the Sukarno era. More precisely during the cabinet Soekiman Wirjosandjojo who was a cadre of the Masyumi Party in 1951. At that time, one of his work programs was to improve the welfare of the civil service (now known as the State Civil Apparatus).

According to historian Asep Kambali, in his explanation via his Instagram social media account @asepkambali, giving THR during the Soekiman cabinet era seemed political. Because at that time the pamong pradja were priayi or aristocrats who since colonial times were affiliated with the Indonesian National Party (PNI) formed by Sukarno. "It seems that Soekiman has a hidden plan to win the sympathy of the civil servants to support the cabinet he leads," wrote Asep yesterday (22/5).

Initially, THR was given in the amount of Rp. 125 to Rp. 200 to ASNs. Now this amount of money is probably equivalent to Rp1.2 million to Rp.2.5 million.

Then a year later, on February 13, 1952 to be precise, the workers, who on average lived below the poverty line, staged a loud protest. The workers who merged into the Central Organization of the All-Indonesian Workers' Organization (SOBSI) led large-scale demonstrations, even strikes, demanding that government allowances.

Asep said their struggle began to find a bright spot when Ahem Erningpraja became Minister of Labor in the Second Working Cabinet (18 February 1960 to 6 March 1962). Even though the amount has not reached a month's gross salary, the THR must be paid as a labor right with a minimum working period of 3 months. "The policy is contained in the Minister of Labor Regulation (Ministerial Regulation) No.1 of 1961," he said.

Until now, THR has become the right of all workers, both ASN / PNS and private. Although the biggest labor organization at that time, SOBSI, had been disbanded because it was considered part of the PKI. Currently, workers' right to receive THR is regulated in Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning manpower. More specifically, the provisions are specifically regulated in Permenaker 6/2016.

The stipulation is that workers who have worked for one month are entitled to a proportional THR (working period times one month's wages divided by 12). Meanwhile, workers who have worked for 12 months or more are given an THR of one month's salary.