Chancellor Of University Of Indonesia Ari Kuncoro Is Also A BRI Commissioner, His Salary Worths IDR 1.2 Billion Per Month In 2020

JAKARTA - The chaos within the University of Indonesia between the Student Executive Board (BEM UI) and the rectorate still in the heat. Recently, information was revealed that UI Chancellor Ari Kuncoro was known to hold a concurrent position as Deputy President Commissioner of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. (BRI).

Ari Kuncoro occupied an important seat at the largest bank in Indonesia in early 2020 to replace Wahyu Kuncoro who was appointed by Erick Thohir as Deputy President Director of PT Pegadaian (Persero).

In fact, the dual position held by Ari contradicts the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 68 of 2013 concerning the Statute of the University of Indonesia.

Article 35 Point C clearly states that the Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor are prohibited from concurrently serving as officials in state/regional or private-owned enterprises.

So what is the amount of remuneration received by the UI Chancellor from BRI as the company's vice president commissioner?

Referring to BRI's 2020 annual financial report submitted to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), it was stated that the total salary and allowances for the board of commissioners amounted to IDR 43.74 billion. Meanwhile, the number of the company's board of commissioners is 10 people.

This means that each commissioner gets at least 4.3 billion per year or the equivalent of IDR 364.5 million per month.

It did not stop there, the bank with the stock code of BBRI was also recorded as giving tantiem (gifts) to the board of commissioners as a form of profit earned amounting to IDR 103.58 billion. If this figure is divided equally by 10 commissioners, each person earns IDR 10.35 billion.

From the description above, it can be seen that the position of commissioner at BRI is at least able to generate an income of IDR 14.65 billion per year in the 2020 period or IDR 1.2 billion per month.