Body Case On Deli Serdang Street Revealed, 2 Perpetrators Of Murder Of Store Employees Arrested

MEDAN - Police uncovered the murder case, Kalinus Jay (49) an electronics employee, who was killed in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra.
Two of the perpetrators of the murder, Wan Suhelmi (37) and Tri (30) were arrested on Sunday, June 27. Both were shot for resisting officers.
Deli Serdang Police Chief, Kombes Yemi Mandagi, said the two perpetrators were residents of Lubuk Pakam District, Deli Serdang. Both were arrested while trying to escape to the city of Padang, West Sumatra.
"The joint team arrested them while driving a white Avanza on the Sumatra Cross Road, Sibolga-Padang Sidempuan", said Kombes Yemi during a presentation at the Deli Serdang Police Headquarters, Monday, June 28.
According to him, the two perpetrators did intend to rob the goods in the electronics shop where the victim works in Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang Regency.
Before acting, the two perpetrators rented fake car plates in Medan. They then drove to where the victim worked.
Arriving at the victim's place, only the suspect Wan Suhelmi got off. Meanwhile, the suspect Tri was waiting in the car.
Then, continued Kombes Yemi, the perpetrator Wan Suhelmi pretended to buy a washing machine and air conditioner. He then ordered the victim to put the item in his car.
"(Wan Suhelmi) then told the victim the money was not taken. The perpetrator asked the victim to take the money at his house", he explained.
At that time the victim agreed to the perpetrator's suggestion. However, before leaving, the victim ordered his two children to follow the suspect's car.
At that time, the victim's child was near where he worked. While in the car, the two suspects sat in the front while the victim sat in the middle seat.
Furthermore, on the way, the perpetrator Wan Suhelmi took the wheel lock that was brought by his chair and handed it to Tri. The key was given to beat the victim.
"Tri immediately hit the wheel lock on the victim twice on the forehead", he said.
When the incident happened, Yemi said, the victim fought back. Suspect Tri then moved to seat number two.
"(Then there was) a struggle between the victim and Tri", he said.
Seeing the incident, it was Wan Suhelmi who took the iron key that turned the wheel nearby and hit the victim on the head once.
"Tri also immediately broke the car window with the wheel lock she was holding and pushed the victim out of the broken glass door. At that time the car that Wan Suhelmi was driving was speeding", he said.
For their actions, the suspects were subject to Article 365 paragraph 4 Yo Article 338 of the Criminal Code.
"The threat is 20 years in prison or life imprisonment or the death penalty", said Kombes Yemi.