Good News, Bitcoin ATMs Will Be Available Soon In El Salvador

JAKARTA – El Salvador is not kidding in adopting Bitcoin as the country's official currency. The country led by Nayib Bukele is reportedly soon bringing Bitcoin ATMs for its citizens.

Launching News.Bitcoin, Chainbytes as the Bitcoin ATM provider is building a Bitcoin ATM production center in El Salvador. This effort follows the government passing the Bitcoin legalization bill. Chainbytes also plans to make El Salvador a “Bitcoin ATM creation hub for all of America.”

The Bitcoin ATM is manufactured by the United States-based Chainbytes LLC. They announced on Tuesday 22 June to operate in the first country to adopt Bitcoin as a legal transaction tool, El Salvador.

Reportedly, the company will operate in all Latin American countries (LATAM), the United States, and Canada. In addition, Chainbytes has also served Bitcoin ATM operators. Since 2012, Chainbytes has welcomed other companies looking to get into the Bitcoin ATM business.

Chainbytes CEO, Eric Grill tweeted on his Twitter account, saying that he is delighted to bring Chainbytes' Bitcoin ATM to El Salvador.

In addition, Grill also praised President Bukele for being able to “show leadership to the world in adopting Bitcoin as the official currency.”

"We believe in doing so the country has positioned itself to be more than just a technology hub," said Grill.

He also added that he wanted to be a part of El Salvador's success in adopting Bitcoin.

“Our initiative will provide needed training and skilled jobs to all Salvadorans, which in turn will contribute to the economy and the nation.”

The company also plans to provide services to Salvadorans interested in operating Bitcoin ATMs to assist the government in implementing Bitcoin infrastructure.

“Chainbytes will provide services to Salvadorans who wish to operate bitcoin ATMs in the country and work closely with governments, legal entities, and their partnerships to ensure manufacturing centers succeed and bring prosperity to the country.”

Chainbytes has also carefully considered the company's decision to establish a Bitcoin ATM production center in El Salvador. The production center is rumored to be exporting Bitcoin ATMs to all LATAM countries, the US and Canada. The information was disclosed by Chainbytes COO Tracy Jefferson in a statement.