National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo Reveals Corruption Prevention Tips

JAKARTA - The Chief of the Indonesian National Police, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, in a scientific oration at the Seminar on the State Audit Institute (IPKN) reminded the importance of synergy between the National Police and auditors in preventing, enforcing the law on economic acts and corruption related to state budget leakage.

"Cooperation and synergy between the Police and auditors is the key to success in preventing and enforcing the law against economic crimes, particularly corruption that causes state budget leakage", said General Listyo Sigit in a scientific oration delivered virtually, Tuesday, June 22.

Therefore, Sigit emphasized the need for follow-up actions to strengthen cooperation between the Police and auditors in operational activities of prevention and law enforcement, as well as increasing the competence and capability of investigators and auditors. "Improving the competence and capability of investigators and auditors to the regional level through CSFA certification (State Finance Auditor)", said Sigit as reported by Antara.

"Certified state finance auditor" or CSFA is a professional certificate for state financial auditors.

The former Banten Police Chief also appreciated the existence of professional examination activities for financial examiners organized by the Financial Audit Board (BPK). This is a form of creating good governance.

After giving a scientific oration, the former Police Chief of Criminal Investigation Unit received a CSFA Certificate by the IPKN Rector. The certificate was received by the National Police Chief regarding the achievement of good governance and clean government in the responsible management of state finances.

According to the National Police Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, the National Police has obtained eight consecutive Unqualified Opinion (WTP) assessments from the Audit Board of Indonesia from the 2013 to 2020 fiscal year.