Claiming To Be Endorsed By COVID-19, This Is The Payment Received By Bintang Emon

JAKARTA - Bintang Emon, an actor and celebgram who is good at creating satire content, announced that he had tested positive for COVID-19. The way Stars announce themselves is quite unique. He claimed to be endorsed by COVID-19!

By lying down and taking deep breaths, Bintang made a video explaining his condition. "So tonight I was endorsed by COVID-19," said Bintang, opening a verified video on Instagram @bintangemon, quoted Monday, June 21.

So what does he get from the endorsement? "The conditions are simple. It's just shortness of breath, nausea, coughing and headaches. You must be ready to be accused of being part of a conspiracy," he added.

The post is satire for people who don't believe in the existence of COVID-19 and call it a conspiracy. The spread of COVID-19 is going crazy in Indonesia. The average addition of positive patients in Indonesia is above the world average.

"Because the numbers are good, I'll just take it. Because it looks like I just burned the money. The problem is that there are more than 10 thousand endorsed today. That's crazy," he said

Furthermore, Bintang Emon explained that many of the victims of COVID-19 were not revealed. "You can see the talent gathering at the nearest hospital, it's still sharing invoices. And those that are endorsed from various layers. Some are rich, there are blue ticks, college students, and students. Only one and two are often highlighted. There are friends Me, his father died because he was endorsed. A friend of mine is now having difficulty breathing, wow the acting is crazy, Reza Rahadian is passing by," he concluded.

This post immediately received a lot of responses from netizens. Meseka wishes Bintang Emon a speedy recovery. "I, as the one who has been endorsed before, would like to pray that the campaign period is over quickly and the invoices are liquidated quickly," wrote the @gilbhas account