Christian Graves Destroyed By Elementary School Boys, Gibran 'Jokowi' Angry: The School, The Teachers Are Not Right, Fostered!

SOLO - Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka was furious with the behavior of a number of elementary school (SD) students who were suspected of vandalizing graves at the Cemoro Twin Cemetery Complex, Mojo, Kliwon Market, Solo.

The number of tombs that were damaged amounted to 12 and the majority belonged to Christians. According to Gibran, this is a form of intolerance. As a concrete step, the Solo City Government will process this less commendable act.

"We will process it soon, we can't let it go, let alone education for young children. All, minors, this is already rude. This is a form of intolerance, it really involves children,"

"It's not right to close the school, the school's teachers aren't right, it will be fostered later," said Gibran after inspecting the grave site, quoted from the Surakarta news Youtube channel, Monday, June 21.

In reviewing the location of the grave, the eldest son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) also saw and listened to testimonies from local residents. Crosses, statues and even the location of the tomb were shifted by the perpetrators.

"Sir was beaten by a rock (his grave), his cross was torn down, his tomb was moved," said one resident to Gibran.

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Meanwhile, according to Margono, Mojo Village Head, the vandalism incident took place on Wednesday, June 16 at around 15.00 WIB. They received reports from eyewitnesses who saw the incident.

After being traced, the perpetrators of the vandalism to the school teacher were then called and mediation was carried out. The perpetrators, said Lurah Margono, agreed to repair the damage from today to next week.

"We have mediated. The repairs will take one week starting today," explained Lurah Margono.