PAN Party Legislator Criticizes The Weakness Of Financial Services Authority Regarding Online Money Loan Terror

JAKARTA - Member of Commission XI of the House of Representatives (DPR RI) Achmad Hafisz Tohir asked the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to take firm steps to protect the public against online lending activities that have been rampant lately. According to him, the loan that led to the terror was due to the weak supervision of the OJK.

An example of a case is the Pinjol KSP Rupiah Petir Pro who was reported to have terrorized someone just because it was suspected that his cell phone number was used as a loan guarantor by a colleague.

"This case shows how weak the authority that should be in handling digital finance crimes is", said Hafisz, Monday, June 21.

According to Hafisz, the slow response by the authorities to online loan crimes like this is very troubling. Because, it can threaten the sense of security and peace of society.

In addition, he said, it also has the potential to scare foreign investors who want to enter Indonesia because of the weak protection of personal data security.

“Is there a time when people who have nothing to do with loans are terrorized? Indonesia is a state of law, so anyone who threatens personally can be subject to a criminal article", said the deputy general chairman of PAN Party.

No less terrible than the terror of messages and telephone calls, he continued, is that the data of a citizen can be spread arbitrarily by illegal borrowers.

Therefore, Hafisz reminded, so that data leakage should not be repeated. Because it can be used by criminals such as fishing on sensitive data such as credit cards.

“This is a real threat and spreading customer data without permission is a crime. Responsible authorities must immediately take firm steps to protect citizens", concluded Hafisz Tohir.

Previously, terror victim Dian Siregar was shocked after receiving a short message from one of the loan agencies, namely KSP Rupiah Petir Pro. At first, Dian was advised to send a message to the loan debtor with the initials AR to immediately pay the installments of IDR 1.470.000. According to her confession, the message was first received on Wednesday, June 16.

In addition, there is also the case of a man who works as a Civil Servant (PNS), S (43) must be trapped in debt with fantastic interest through online loans (Pinjol).

Civil servants from Boyolali Regency, Central Java initially only owed IDR 900 thousand but later increased up to IDR 75 million.

Because they are unable to pay, now men are terrorized because they have not paid off their debts. S then fully explained the beginning of being entangled in illegal Pinjol.

He admitted that he had to go into debt because he was in desperate need. S got this information about Pinjol from social media Facebook.

At that time, there was an offer of debt with a small interest of IDR 900 thousand with a repayment period of one month.

"I was interested because of an interesting offer", said S, Wednesday, June 16.