It's Not Easy To Get Sick, Here Are 7 Simple Steps To Maintain Immunity

JAKARTA – The immune system becomes a shield against bacteria, viruses, and infections that attack the body. So, steps are needed to keep it stable. Especially the high number of cases of the spread of Covid-19 lately.

To keep your immune system in good shape, steps according to the protocol are mandatory. Besides, you can perform these simple steps at home or avoid crowd situations. Anything? Here's the list.

Make sure the body is not lazy to move

The mind may be able to travel to outer space, but make sure the body is not lazy to move. Especially if you work from home.

Lack of movement can lower the immune system. How can? Lack of movement is known as sedentary life, a lot of sitting and lying activities that only burn a few calories for energy. The effect is that the working system of the brain also slows down and the entire body system works less efficiently.

Limit consumption of sugar and sweet foods

It's okay to eat one or two sweets. But it is advisable to limit the consumption of sugar because if it is excessive it can reduce the microflora in the intestine. As reported by CNN Indonesia, Monday, June 21, Rita Ramayulis, a nutritionist explained how sugar works in the intestines.

Bad bacteria love sugar and can suppress good bacteria. Because of this, the ability of white blood cells to weaken and the body's ability to fight bacteria decreases.

Consumption of minimally processed food

Boiled or grilled foods are healthier than elaborately processed foods. For example, some fried foods can reduce nutrient levels. Some foods are also better steamed because if they are boiled in water they can dissolve the nutrients.

So it is important to recognize how to process food and the types of healthy food to consume according to your respective health conditions.

Enough vitamin D intake

In addition to sunbathing in the morning, you can meet your vitamin D intake by eating fish, egg yolks, shrimp, juice from fresh oranges, cereals, and milk.

Various studies have shown that vitamin D not only boosts immunity and fights infection, but also increases bone strength, muscle strength, oral health, prevents diabetes, and treats hypertension.

Get quality sleep

Sleep is a daily habit that is not trivial. Lack of sleep can lead to various physical and mental health problems. At least, in a day it takes 7-8 hours of sleep to produce enough hormones that support the immune system to stay good.

Reduce drinks and foods containing caffeine

Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and tea, can affect your sleep. Although on the one hand caffeine can be useful for increasing focus but adjust the hours of coffee consumption so that it does not interfere with healthy routines such as sleep.

Just eat fiber and vegetables

Fiber has great benefits for regulating the body's metabolism while still working optimally. Starting from regulating high blood sugar to maintaining an efficient digestive system. While vegetables contain vitamins A, C, and folate which are useful to help keep the immune system balanced.

The bioactive content in vegetables also helps to release chemical responses to optimize the work of the intestines. It functions as much as 70-80 percent in the production of immune cells.

Of the seven steps to maintain immunity above, is there something that often escapes your habit? From this second, it is recommended to reset and make it a routine that is healthy for the body.