Police Will Examine Witness Case Of Child Killed After Bitten By Dog In Medan

MEDAN - Police are still investigating the case of the death of RA, a 10-year-old boy in the city of Medan who was allegedly killed by his neighbor's dog.

Deputy Head of Criminal Investigation at the Medan Police, Kompol Rafles Langgak Marpaung, said his party would examine a number of witnesses for questioning.

"We will summon a number of witnesses for questioning", said Rafles, Wednesday, June 16.

Rafles said that the police are currently waiting for the results of the laboratory for the cause of the victim's death.

"We are (still) waiting for the laboratory results", he said.

The police have also arrested the dog that bit RA. The dog is now being examined for health to ensure the presence or absence of the rabies virus.

"We are checking whether the dog has a virus or other dangerous disease", explained Rafles.

The boy was bitten by a dog while crossing his neighbor's house in Mangga Village, Simalingkar District, Medan City, Thursday, June 10.

The victim's lawyer, Oky Andriansyah explained, the incident began when the victim passed in front of the dog owner's house. At that moment, the dog owner's fence opened.

"The deceased passed by the suspect's house on Thursday the 10th (June). Then at the suspect's house, the fence was opened because the suspect wanted to buy gallons of water", said Oky, Tuesday, June 15.

"So, the deceased passed and the dog was released. The upper right thigh was bitten," he continued.

After that, said Oky, the victim immediately returned to his grandfather's house. The victim immediately complained to his grandfather.

"Mediated with the head of the neighborhood to the suspect's house, it was only closed tightly", he explained.

The next day, the victim's grandfather and Kepling returned to the dog owner's house.

"On Friday, we came with Kepling for mediation, because the victim was vaccinated against tetanus on Thursday, but because the rabies vaccine was empty in North Sumatra, we only bought it on Saturday (vaccinated) at Kimia Farma. The rabies vaccine was injected Saturday afternoon, on Sunday he died", Oky said.

According to Oky, before he died, the victim had experienced paralysis. The victim was also treated at the H Adam Malik Hospital.