Live Music Can Be Organized Again In Jakarta, Visitors Are Prohibited From Contributing Songs

JAKARTA - The Head of the DKI Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Disparekraf) has allowed live music to be organized again in restaurants, and bars in Jakarta. Previously, the DKI Provincial Government banned live music during Ramadan.

This is stated in the Decree of the Head of the DKI Disparekraf Number 281 of 2021 concerning the Extension of Micro-Based Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in the Tourism Business Sector which was issued on May 31, 2021.

However, in his decision, The head of the DKI Disparekraf, Gumilar Ekalaya, stated the conditions that must be met if a business place wants to hold live music. One of them is that visitors are prohibited from contributing songs.

"The organization of live music which is a restaurant and hotel business facility can operate with the condition that visitors are prohibited from contributing songs", said Gumilar, quoted from the decree, Thursday, June 10.

Not only that, restaurants or hotels that want to hold live music must have a tourism business registration sign (TDUP).

Then, the number of personnel is adjusted to the size of the stage so that everyone can keep their distance and not crowd each other.

“Next, install a partition/flex glass divider on the stage area”, wrote Gumilar.

In addition, there are still old rules that are applied, namely that places of business are required to apply health protocols in accordance with applicable regulations by implementing 3M.

Also, set the distance between dining chairs at least one meter. Then, the maximum capacity of visitors is a maximum of 50 percent.

"Dine in until 21.00 p.m. local time. Take away or delivery service according to operational hours or 24 hours", he added.