Woman Dies Falling Into Beach From Cliff Of Sunset Point Pecatu Bali

DENPASAR - A woman named Maria Goretti fell to her death from a cliff at Sunset Point, Pecatu Village, South Kuta, Bali.

This incident was reported to the Balawista team, Badung, who received a report of a woman falling from a cliff at Sunset Point next to Suluban Beach.

Balawista members then checked the location. A motorbike and the victim's identity were found at the scene. The victim died.

Then the victim was evacuated using a rubber boat through Dreamland Beach. The victim's body was taken to Sanglah Hospital.

Meanwhile, quoted from Pecatu Village Instagram, the incident of the woman falling on the Sunset Point cliff was discovered when residents found the victim's belongings on the cliff.

It was discovered that the victim fell onto the beach and the team evacuated him.