5 Habits That Can Lose Weight

JAKARTA - A slim body is indeed a dream for some people. This is sometimes done to increase one's self-confidence. Various ways were done to have a slim body such as diet. However, not infrequently, diets often fail and become ineffective. For that, follow these five habits to make a slim body.

Bask in the Morning Sun

According to research at Feinberg Medical School, United States, sunlight can make body mass index (BMI) fall faster than those who are not exposed to sunlight. By basking in the sun, the body's metabolism becomes smoother and the fat in the body burns more effectively.

Drink Two Glasses of Water

After waking up, it's good to immediately consume at least two glasses of water every morning. In addition to replacing fluids lost during sleep, consuming water in the morning can also block the stomach from eating too much at breakfast.

Breakfast with High Protein Menu

Foods rich in protein will make the stomach fuller until lunchtime arrives. Protein can also effectively speed up the body's metabolism.

Morning exercise

Exercise is indeed effective for losing weight so that a slim body can be formed by itself. According to the scientific journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, exercise and activities in the morning can rely on appetite for the whole day.

Walk or Take the Stairs

Get used to avoiding taking the elevator or escalator to get to the top floor. This is because climbing stairs can help you lose weight.