To Restore Bali's Economy, Minister Teten Encourages Farmers To Maximize Cocoa As A Leading Commodity

JAKARTA - Bali's economic condition is still affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. To restore this condition, the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki asked Bali to maximize its superior commodities. One of the products with huge potential in Bali is cocoa.

Furthermore, Teten suggested, cocoa farmers can form corporatization of farmers through cooperatives. According to him, corporatization can improve the MSME ecosystem, which in his opinion really needs to be managed properly.

"My notes, for example, in the agricultural sector, it is difficult in Indonesia to present modern corporate farming, which has a large production capacity, strong products, and strong competitiveness. Because our farmers are individuals and have small lands. This must be improved", said Teten, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, June 8th.

Teten said President Joko Widodo had ordered several ministers to corporatize farmers. With the formation of the corporatization of farmers, banks can easily provide financing to farmers.

"So how can the institutions be improved, both from corporations and cooperatives and connected to off-takers so that financing wants to come in. Why don't banks want to finance? Because the agricultural sector has a high risk. But if there is an off-taker, it must be good. This needs to be managed properly", he said.

Teten said that the cocoa commodity in Bali, especially in Jembrana Regency, is the number one cocoa commodity in Indonesia. It was even recognized when Teten visited Jember that the best cocoa commodity in Indonesia was cocoa that came from Jembrana.

However, Teten said that currently there are problems faced by cocoa farmers in Jembrana. One of them is to ensure that the cocoa beans produced have the same quality standards.

"MSMEs are no longer a marginal economy but we are pushing for industrialization. In Jembrana we have to expand the cocoa industry. We have to be brave. We see opportunities in that area and push it there. We have to start industrialization", he said.

Taking the advantage of digitization

Teten emphasized that in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, Bali must be able to take advantage of digitalization. That is, Bali must be able to complete the longing of domestic and foreign tourists who long for the culinary and souvenirs typical of the Island of the Gods.

"In this condition, Bali must pick up the ball. Foreign and local tourists miss Bali. By utilizing the digital market, Bali can restore its economic condition again", he said.

Previously, during the inauguration ceremony of the Jembrana Regional Innovation and Creative Economy Committee, Monday 7 June, the MoU was signed between the Jembrana Regency Government and the Indonesia Creative Cities Network (ICCN) by Jembrana Regent I Nengah Tamba and ICCN Chair Tb Fiki Satari. The Jembrana Regency Government and ICCN agreed to jointly encourage the development of creative economy-based MSMEs along with digital transformation steps.