Hundreds Of Karawang Residents PT Pindo Deli Pulp And Paper Mills II Gas Poisoning, Police Intervene

JAKARTA - The Forensic Laboratory Center Team of the National Police Headquarters has conducted an investigation of the crime scene (TKP) at the location of the PT Pindo Deli Pulp And Paper Mills II gas pipeline leak which resulted in the poisoning of dozens of residents, Thursday, June 3.

Karawang Police Chief AKBP Rama Samtama Putra has not been able to reveal the results. Because, until now the team is still doing the deepening and research.

"So in the investigation of the poisoning incident, we are still investigating by examining witnesses and collecting evidence", he said.

The witnesses who have been examined by the Karawang Criminal Investigation Division Police, investigators include three people who are company employees who were at the scene at the time of the incident.

“Of course we are still waiting for what is the cause, then is there a human error factor? Or because of other factors, all are still in the process of being investigated", he said.

During the investigation process, said the Police Chief, there should be no activity at the factory site or the status quo.

The poisoning incident due to the leaking of a caustic soda gas pipe belonging to PT Pindo Deli II on Thursday, June 3 resulted in around 80 residents being short of breath and being treated at a nearby hospital.

He said the police were currently investigating the case. There has also been a police line at the scene.