Overseas Travel Quarantine Becomes 14X24 Hours, KPCPEN: Not Final

JAKARTA - The government has prepared policies to anticipate the escalation of the increase in COVID-19 cases, such as in several countries. One of them is by implementing quarantine for international travelers from several countries.

The Committee for the Handling of COVID-19 and the National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN) confirmed that the quarantine rules had not been changed. This means that the quarantine must be carried out 5X24 hours.

KPCPEN Executive Secretary, Susiwijono Moegiarso, said the government had not decided to extend it to 14X24 hours. Only travelers from certain countries are quarantined for 14X24 hours.

"Currently, according to the Circular Letter of Task Force and several other provisions, quarantine for international travelers is still 5X24 hours, only travelers from India or passing through India are set to quarantine for 14X24 hours", he said, in Jakarta, Saturday, June 5.

For travelers from other countries, including Pakistan and the Philippines, Susiwijono said it had not yet been decided to quarantine for 14X24 hours. This is because the decision to implement quarantine for international travelers must consider all aspects, both in terms of controlling COVID-19, in terms of economy and state relations.

"Therefore, the government is discussing and has not yet decided on a policy of extending the duration of quarantine from 5 × 24 hours to 14 × 24 hours for travelers from countries experiencing the COVID-19 crisis", he explained.

Susiwijono emphasized that this decision is still being discussed further in a routine meeting at the PC-PEN Committee which is reported every week at the Cabinet Meeting to get directions.

"Many aspects must be considered, the main and priority remains for controlling COVID-19, but also considering aspects of future economic recovery", he said.

Previously, the Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, said the Indonesian government plans to extend the duration of quarantine for 14 x 24 hours. The extension of this duration will later be applied to Indonesian citizens (WNI) who return from a country experiencing the COVID-19 crisis.