Bireuen Prosecutor's Office Detains Suspect Of Village Fund Corruption, Which Loses The State Rp231,8 Million

JAKARTA - The District Attorney (Kejari) of Bireuen, Aceh, detained a suspect suspected of committing a criminal act of corruption in village funds with a state loss of Rp231.8 million.

Head of the Intelligence Section of the Kejari Bireuen Fri Wisdom S Sumbayak said the suspect with the initials ES was the village head of Gampong Paya Lipah, Peusangan Sub-district, Bireuen Regency, 2017-2018 period.

"The suspect ES was detained for the purpose of examination. The suspect was detained because he was afraid of escaping and losing evidence," said Fri Wisdom, as reported by Antara, Thursday, June 3.

Fri Wisdom said the suspect ES was placed in the Bireuen Penitentiary. The suspect's detention lasts for the next 20 days and an extension of detention can be carried out.

"This case began with a community report which stated that there were allegations of inappropriate use of village funds. From this information, the Bireuen Kejari formed a team to investigate," said Fri Wisdom.

Fri Wisdom said, it was found that the use of village funds in the Gampong Paya Lipah Village Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBG) for the 2017 and 2018 Fiscal Years was not appropriate, including some physical developments that allegedly violated the rules and the inappropriate use of gampong-owned enterprise funds (BUMG).

"Based on the results of the calculation, the total state loss reached Rp231.8 million. It is possible that there will be additional suspects according to the progress of the investigation," said Fri Wisdom.