Gibran Lifts Ban On Toddlers From Entering Malls And Tourist Attractions, Tightens Rules For Wearing Masks

SOLO - The Surakarta City Government immediately allowed children under five years old (toddlers) to enter malls following the improvement in COVID-19 cases in the area.

"Regarding the prohibition for toddlers from entering the mall, to enter tourist attractions such as Jurug (Taru Jurug Animal Park), Balekambang Park, we have lifted it," said Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka, as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, June 1.

Although the revocation of the ban has been stated in the latest Circular on Extending the Application of Restrictions on Micro-Based Community Activities and Optimizing the Role of the Sub-District Level Task Force for Controlling the Spread of COVID-19 in Surakarta City, it does not mean that from that moment onwards, toddlers will be allowed to enter the mall.

"It will take time because I have to call the malls (mall management) first, the mall vaccination will be finished on Thursday," he said.

Gibran said the summons was a coordination step because later the standard operating procedure (SOP) would be tightened.

"In principle, we don't want residents' activities to be complicated because someone wants to take their children to the mall, but these toddlers are more at risk of being exposed, so our SOPs are tightened," he continued.

One thing that will be tightened is the imposition of face masks on every child entering the mall. He said that if these conditions were not followed, the child would not be allowed to enter the mall.

His party ensured that the revocation of the regulation was not due to a request from residents but so far there has been no spike in COVID-19 cases in Solo.

"We can see that the COVID-19 spread rate in Solo is improving, after Lebaran there will be no spike, so health is maintained and the economy is maintained," said Gibran