Ministry Of Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing Builds 15 Flats For The 2021 National Sports Week Accomodation In Papua With A Budget Of IDR 330.4 Billion

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has built 15 flats for accommodation facilities in order to support the implementation of the XX National Sports Week (PON) 2021 in Papua.

"The total budget for the construction of flats is 15 towers to support the XX PON event. in Papua is approximately IDR 330.4 billion", said Director of Flats at the Ministry of PUPR Maryoko Hadi in a press release received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Monday, May 31.

According to Maryoko, the construction of vertical housing is also not only helping the process of implementing PON XX but also very helpful for beneficiaries to get a decent place to live in Papua Province.

He explained that the construction of the flats could run well thanks to good coordination between the Ministry of PUPR and the local government and also the Papua National Sports Week Grand Committee (PB PON) as the Organizing Committee for PON XX Papua.

"Jayapura (5 towers or towers), Merauke Regency (5 towers), and Jayapura City (5 towers)", he said.

In addition, he said, the flats will later be allocated for Civil Servants (ASN), the National Army (TNI)/the National Polic (Polri), students, and church congregations after the implementation of PON XX Papua.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Papua I Housing Provision Agency (P2P) Faisal Soedarno accompanying The Commitment Officer (PPK) of Flats and Special Houses, Marinus Rino Kambu revealed that his party had dispatched officers from the Papua Province Housing Provision Work Unit to support the implementation of the prestigious event held in Papua Province.

The flat development program, he added, has been implemented from 2016 to 2021, said Faisal.

In its implementation, he continued, the committee needed adequate accommodation facilities so that the PUPR Ministry provided assistance for the temporary use of the flats that had been built.

He stated that in addition to flats, the PUPR Ministry has also budgeted IDR 21.6 billion to support building improvements and improving the quality of buildings in the form of installing air conditioners, parking areas, and fences for the comfort and safety of athletes and officials so that the building is ready for use.

For information, the Papua PON XX is the main national sports event to be held in Papua from September to November 2021.

Papua Bangkit Main Stadium will be the main location for this activity, both the opening and closing ceremonies. The tagline raised in the XX PON is "Torang Bisa" which is a form of special Papuan encouragement.

"We hope that the construction of the flats can provide a smooth process for implementing the XX PON in 2021 and be able to reduce the housing backlog in Papua Province", he said.