The Elderly Needs Double Attention During A Pandemic: They Are Prone To Any Virus

JAKARTA - Social observer in Makassar City, Dr. H Hatita from the Indonesian Muslim University (UMI) Makassar, said that the elderly population (elderly) need extra attention in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The treatment of the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic should have doubled compared to the period before the COVID-19 outbreak", said Dr. Hatita in Makassar, Saturday, May 29, responding to the 25th anniversary of the National Elderly Day (HLUN), quoted from Antara.

According to Dr. Hatita, the elderly are more susceptible to viruses of any type due to the function of the body's organs which begins to decline with age.

Therefore, Dr. Hatita continued, it is natural for the Ministry of Social Affairs to carry the theme of this year's HLUN commemoration "Elderly Happy with the Family", with the hope that the role of family members becomes a major part in caring for and caring for the elderly, but that does not mean the state is hands-off.

According to Dr. Hatita, the state also has an important role in accommodating the elderly, not only at the productive age. Most of the elderly have fought for the independence of the Republic of Indonesia and uphold the sovereignty of the country.

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the number of elderly people in Indonesia is 26.82 million people (9.92 percent), the data is based on the results of the 2020 BPS survey.

Meanwhile, the HLUN commemoration was motivated by the history where Dr. KRT Radjiman Widiodiningrat, who at that time was the oldest member, was asked to lead the Investigation Agency for Preparatory Efforts for Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI) session on May 29, 1945.

May 29 was re-introduced in 1996 in Semarang as the National Elderly Day by the President of the Republic of Indonesia at that time. This date was chosen in honor of Dr. KRT Radjiman Widiodiningrat for all his services.