Workers Boycott Indomaret Starting May 27th, Conglomerate Personnel Anthony Salim: We Always Pay THR For 30 Years

JAKARTA - PT Indomarco Prismatama gave an explanation regarding the problems of workers who would boycott Indomaret products. The company stated that it had fulfilled the obligation to pay employee holiday allowances (THR).

This statement was made by the management of Indomaret after a number of employees stated that the plan to boycott the products of the retail company owned by Anthony Salim's conglomerate was because one of the workers was reported to the police when fighting for THR 2020.

"All employees have got their rights. Including the 2020 THR which has been given in accordance with the Minister of Manpower Regulation No. 6/2016," said Managing Director of PT Indomarco Prismatama Wiwiek Yusuf in a written statement, Monday 17 May.

Referring to this regulation, workers with a continuous work period of 12 months are entitled to receive an THR of 1 month wages ahead of Religious Holidays. Meanwhile, workers with a working period of less than 12 months are entitled to receive the THR proportionately.

In addition, companies themselves are required to give THR no later than 7 days before Religious Holidays. The polemic of Indomaret's THR payment itself had surfaced when one of the Indomaret workers was criminally reported by the company for damaging office gypsum while fighting for THR 2020.

Responding to this, Wiwiek also emphasized that during the 30 years since the company's management, Indomaret had never been in arrears of the THR payment obligation. He also ensures that workers get the rights as regulated in the regulations.

As for the vandalism carried out by one of the employees in 2020, Wiwiek said Indomaret submitted the case to the ongoing legal process. All parties are expected to appreciate the ongoing legal process.

"As part of the community, Indomaret continues to serve the community's needs as best as possible. Therefore, management invites employees and the wider community to carry out productive activities to support the government in restoring the national economy during a pandemic," said Wiwiek.

Demonstration workers at the Indomarco Prismatama office

A number of workers who are members of the Federation of Indonesian Metal Workers Union (FSPMI) gathered in front of the Jakarta Branch Office, PT Indomarco Prismatama, Ancol, North Jakarta.

They gathered to hold an action demanding that Indomaret pay the 2020 THR in full and ask one of the former Indomaret employees, Anwar Bessy to return to work.

At 11.00 WIB, demonstrators began to line up and unfurled banners reading "Boycott Indomaret or #bebasAnwarBessy". The command car was parked in front of the Indomaret office.

A total of 150 joint personnel of the TNI, Polri, and Satpol PP carry out security. Apadat asked workers to arrange lines neatly in order to keep traffic smooth.

"We are the Federation of Indonesian Metal Workers Unions, as we have conveyed to the public, that our struggle and our defense of Anwar Bessy was criminalized by Indomarco. Today we held demonstrations at the head office and in its warehouses," said the President of FSPMI, Riden. Hatam Aziz when met at the location, Thursday, May 27.

Oration only started about 5 minutes. Suddenly, a number of local residents approached the crowd. They reject demonstrations in their neighborhood because they are worried about the transmission of COVID-19.

"We are fighting the COVID virus. This is how they came, outsiders, making a crowd here. So, this is what we reject," said the Head of RW 01, Ancol Urban Village, Asmawar.

Asmawar admitted that he did not blame the workers' actions in voicing demands. It's just that residents don't want crowds in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, the demonstrators have not yet tested for COVID-19.

"Don't crowd. It will become a new cluster. We don't want it. Our responsibility towards the environment. Disband this action. If you channel your aspirations, channel them in a good way," he continued.