Commission II Dpr Schedule Bkn Summons, Clarification Of 97 Thousand Mysterious ASN Data

JAKARTA - Vice Chairman of Commission II of the House of Representatives Saan Mustopa said it will call the National Staffing Agency (BKN) and the Ministry of PAN-RB to clarify 97 thousand data of mysterious civil servants (civil servants) who still receive salaries.

"We call next week to clarify," Saan said at the DPR/MPR building, Jakarta, Tuesday, May 25.

According to him, it is important to ask bkn explanation how the mysterious data can still be run since 2014.

"That's 2015 related to mysterious data, related to 97 thousand civil servants. So we are clarifying and we will call BKN and Kemenpan RB," he said.

This NasDem Party legislator assessed there are many state losses in terms of finances because they have to pay salaries and pensions of civil servants who are allegedly fictitious.

"There are so many losses that the state gets," Saan said.

Previously, the Head of The State Staffing Agency (BKN) Bima Haria Wibisana revealed in 2014 it found almost 97 thousand data of civil servants (civil servants) and or fictitious Civil Servants (ASN). Thousands of civil servants who are not clearly in existence is called receiving salaries and pension funds.

"It turns out that almost 100 thousand, precisely 97 thousand mysterious data. Paid his salary, paid his pension dues, but no one," Bima said in a YouTube impression bkn announcement kick off meeting Update Data Mandiri, Monday, May 24.

The data, bima said, was obtained after it updated the data in 2014. That is, the mysterious data has been around since the first data update was made in 2002.

Tag: dpr bkn asn nasdem