Bad News From North Sumatra, 31,008 COVID-19 Patients, 1,013 People Died

JAKARTA - The number of COVID-19 patients in North Sumatra until May 20 has reached 31,008 after an increase of 98 people in one day.

Spokesperson of the Task Force on Handling COVID-19 North Sumatra, dr. Aris Yudhariansyah said, the total number of confirmed cases is still growing.

"There are 31,008 confirmed patients in Sumut and 1,013 dead," he said, as reported by Antara, Friday, May 21.

The additional 98 patients came from Medan City 33 people, Deliserdang 25, Simalungun 14, South Labuhanbatu 10, North Tapanuli 6, South Tapanuli 5, Dairi 3 and Padangsidimpuan and West Pakpak each one person.

There were also more cases of death from Deliserdang, bringing the total to 1,013.

Medan remains the largest contributor to confirmed cases in North Sumatra or 16,082 people.

"The data shows that the number of COVID-19 patients treated in a number of hospitals in North Sumatra increased by one person or 1,247," said Aris, acting Head of The Sumut Health Office.

Hospitalized patients consisted of 953 confirmed patients and 294 patients.

"There were also 1,444 patients who self-isolated," he said

With a total of 31,008, North Sumatra Province is ranked 13th as a contributory area for new cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia.

That ranking was up from the day before which was still ranked 14th.