Indonesia's Exports To India Drop USD 123.8 Million Due To COVID-19

JAKARTA - The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) recorded a decrease in exports to India of USD 123.8 million. This decrease in exports is based on the condition of the country that is experiencing the spread of a new type of COVID-19. As a result, demand for goods such as vegetable oils, fats, tara seeds, metal ash, and inorganic chemicals has decreased.

Head of BPS Kecuk Suhariyanto said he was concerned about the situation in India. He hopes that the mutation of the COVID-19 virus can be handled soon and not spread to other countries, including Indonesia.

"Exports to India in April 2021 decreased by USD 123.8 million. We know what is happening to India at the moment is certainly all concerned and hopefully, it does not happen in other countries", he said in a virtual press conference on Thursday, May 20.

In addition to India, the BPS also noted that there are several other countries that have experienced a decline in exports. As such, sales of goods to Italy in April 2021 decreased by USD 68.3 million. This includes exports to Bangladesh, Japan, and the Netherlands, which fell by USD 51 million.

Meanwhile, exports to China in the period March to April 2021 actually increased to touch the figure of USD 201.2 million. The leading exports to this country are steel iron, mineral fuels, and vegetable oils.

As for countries in Southeast Asia (ASEAN), South Korea, and Taiwan, the BPS recorded positive export growth. The main commodities are optical, photographic, cinematography, and medical devices.

Then, exports to Switzerland in 2021 increased by USD 196.6 million. Its main export commodities are precious metals, jewelry, and gems.

In the future, Suhariyanto hopes that exports will be maintained and even continue to grow in line with economic improvements in Indonesia and the world.