Costs Nearly IDR 1 Million For Twice Injections, Mutual Cooperation Vaccine Weighs MSMEs

JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of House of Representatives Netty Prasetiyani appreciates the cooperation vaccination program which has been started on Tuesday, May 18. It is hoped that this independent vaccination can accelerate herd immunity as an effort to control the spread of COVID-19.

However, Netty questioned the too expensive cost of vaccines. The reason is, if you have to inject two vaccines, you can spend up to IDR 1 million per person.

As is known, the provision of mutual aid vaccination is regulated in the Minister of Health Regulation Number 10 of 2021. The government sets the highest price at IDR 439,570 per dose for one person, so that for two injections it is IDR 879,140.

"Nearly one million rupiahs for the two injections is burdensome for MSME actors", said Netty, Wednesday, May 19.

If the aim is to help the realization of the national vaccination program to accelerate the formation of collective immunity, according to Netty, there should be a subsidy mechanism for those engaged in small and medium enterprises to be able to participate in this mutual aid vaccine scheme.

"MSMEs have a major role in driving the national economy. Even during this pandemic, most of them can still survive. So it is very unfortunate if MSMEs do not get priority support for obtaining cooperation vaccines", said the West Java legislator.


"Do not let the mutual aid vaccine only be accessed by large corporations", he added.

Based on data from the Ministry of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in 2018, the number of MSME players was 64.2 million people or 99.9% of the total number of business actors in Indonesia with a workforce absorption of 117 million workers or 97% of the total. workers.

Meanwhile, MSMEs contributed 61.1% to the national economy (GDP) and the rest was contributed by large business actors, which accounted for only 0.01% of the total business actors.

Therefore, Netty reminded the government to supervise the implementation of this independent vaccination program in the field to ensure that vaccine costs are not borne by workers.

He also asked the government to be more alert and transparent in handling the national vaccination program, both regarding the process of vaccine procurement, distribution, and target achievement.

"The cooperation vaccine is something very important to present amid the slow realization of daily vaccinations. Do not let workers' rights be eliminated or reduced to replace the cost of the cooperation scheme vaccine", said Netty.