When Many Snacks Are Served, Here Are 5 Tips To Not Be Fat On Eid
JAKARTA - Lebaran is a special and long-awaited moment. However, there is one thing that makes me regret it later. Food and snacks that are not like a normal day are served.
Well, what makes you sorry is when the scale numbers slowly go up. Jeans get tight and shirts are hard to button. Don't want to experience it? Check out tips so as not to be fat during Eid VOI recommendations.
Pay attention to the portion of the meal
It may be difficult to arrange portion meals especially when every moment of friendship is a snack with various types, ranging from legit pastries or fresh drinks with additional glucose.
A stable weight does require detailed calculation and attention. First, limit eating snacks or calorie treats. Second, count the portions of heavy meals or lunch. If possible, adjust the breakfast and dinner menu with boiled eggs or bananas, for example.
Drink more mineral water
By setting the liver to drink mineral water, then you can avoid drinking sugary drinks with additional glucose. When drinking juice, choose without added sugars.
The hardest thing is to refuse soft drinks, but as long as you can intend strongly to avoid sugary drinks, then undergoing these tips will not be difficult.
Focus on the main course
During eid and bersilaturahmi, you can still taste pastries, biscuits, cookies, or other treats. Just try focusing on the main course.
Not a few think that it is necessary to reduce the portion of the main food so that it can nyemil many types of treats. This is wrong, it is best to stay focused on the main course and limit nyemil not limiting the main course meal but uncontrolled snacks. Both need to be measured and regulated.
Don't quit sports
Staying active can make your metabolism and digestive system work optimally. It is recommended to exercise regularly and whenever possible adjust the additional level of each workout session.
Create a time limit
Because of Eid holidays, night stay up late and the desire to eat snacks is not controlled. Avoid this and create time limits. If you delay sleep for an hour and your stomach is hungry, choose healthy snacks such as dried fruit without caramel, nuts, grains or fresh fruit.
Well, after Eid should also restore the habit of eating again. Because not a few people are still carried away by the atmosphere of Eid so that it does not control the re-eating before Eid.