Makassar Mayor Danny Pomanto Wants To Reactivate The Hallway Extinguisher

MAKASSAR - Mayor of Makassar Moh Ramdhan Pomanto (Danny Pomanto) promised to fix and reactivate the alley-based fire extinguishing system to speed up the extinguishing process in the event of a fire in a densely populated residential area.

"Sometimes the difficulties faced by our firefighters with their large fleets are difficult to reach the fire location because of the small alleys, so later we will reactivate the alley-based fire extinguishers," said Danny Pomanto while inspecting the fire location on Jalan Tinumbu Makassar, as quoted by Antara, Sunday. , 9 May.

In front of the fire victims, Danny Pomanto received many complaints from the public, including a fire incident that occurred in the early hours of Sunday, 00.40 central Indonesia time.

Danny Pomanto also had time to see the alley access which turned out to be only one alley with a very dense residential level. Therefore, he is determined to make the alley-based fire extinguishing system effective.

"We see that the risk of fires here is very large, where the alley is narrow and deadlocked, we are looking for a solution how there is not only one tunnel access, we are also grateful and Alhamdulilah there are absolutely no casualties because this is very vulnerable," he said.

Previously, the fire occurred at Jalan Tinumbu, aisle 149/132C, and alley 148C, Kelurahan Layang, Bontoala Makassar District, right at 00.40 central Indonesia time.

As a result of the fire that occurred in the densely populated settlement, as many as 28 houses were burned down, occupied by 43 heads of families (KK) consisting of 143 people.

Based on information from several witnesses, the source of the fire first started from one of the houses in Abidin and Jannah's alley 149/132C, then it grew and seeped into other houses.

The Makassar Fire Brigade Team who knew about the incident immediately deployed 21 units of the fleet to extinguish the fire until the fire was finally captured two hours later, or to be precise at 02.30 central Indonesia time.

"There were no casualties in this incident, and until now the material losses cannot be estimated because it is still being collected," said Bontoala Police Chief Commissioner Adjutant Syamsuardi.