Simpang Siur News, Regarding Kim Jong-un's Critical Condition

JAKARTA - The health condition of North Korea's Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-un, is still confusing to this day. Moreover, a number of foreign media reported that Kim Jong-un was critical after undergoing heart surgery.

The news was published by a media outlet, Daily NK, based in Seoul, South Korea (South Korea). In his report, Kim Jong-un's health is known to have deteriorated in recent months due to smoking, obesity and overwork.

It was written that Kim Jong-un had undergone a cardiovascular (heart) procedure. He has been receiving treatment since April 12 and is currently recovering in his private villa.

"My understanding is that he has been struggling (with cardiovascular problems) since last August but is getting worse after visiting Mount Paektu many times," said a source quoted by the Daily NK as saying on condition of anonymity.

Since then, Kim has never appeared in public in North Korea. Including attending a birthday anniversary event for his late grandfather, Kim Il-sung some time ago. Several foreign media, such as The Guardian, also reported that Kim Jong Un's condition was critical after undergoing heart surgery.

The report quoted anonymous sources and there was no official comment from North Korean state media. The United States (US) government also reportedly received information that the leader of the North Korean country is in a critical condition.

Meanwhile, South Korea's unification ministry denied this and refused to comment on reports that said Kim Jong-un was seriously ill or critically ill. One South Korean official even told Yonhap news agency that Kim Jong-un's condition was not seriously ill or worsened.

The dictator's leader is also known to be absent, when Pyongyang fired several short-range missiles last week. Additionally he did not take part in the memorial for Kim Il-sung, a national holiday known as Sun Day, on April 15.

This is not the first time that Kim Jong-un's absence in public has sparked speculation about his health. In 2014, North Korean state media took the rare step of admitting that Kim Jong-un was suffering from "uncomfortable physical conditions," after TV footage showed Kim Jong-un limping and not attending an important parliamentary session.

Kim Jong-un riding a horse (Photo: Korea Central News Agency)

But the report did not address rumors that he was suffering from debilitating gout attacks. Some observers have speculated that Kim Jong-un has restricted his appearances in public this month as a precaution against COVID-19.

North Korea continues to insist that it has not found a single case of COVID-19, but experts and defectors have challenged the claims.

The closed country acknowledged that it had quarantined tens of thousands and postponed the school year as a precautionary measure. They have also closed their borders with China since January.

But activist groups in Seoul said they had been told by a source that many had died from the coronavirus, although those claims could not be independently verified.