The Pain Of Love For Different Religions Was Summarized By Mahen In The Song Seamin Tak Seiman

JAKARTA - Love of different religions is an issue that is never boring to be discussed in Indonesia. Several films and songs were inspired by the story. Now, Mahen is also releasing a song with the theme of love of different religions entitled Seamin Tak Seiman (One Amen But Not One Faith).

The song, which is scheduled to appear on the album, was created by Mahen and Beraldy Dean. “I really like this song. Regarding interfaith love, there must be many people who have or are experiencing this. In this problem, it seems like we are faced with a question or choice or not? Do you want to choose your love or choose your beliefs? Maybe this song can accompany those who are experiencing this," Mahen said in a release received by VOI, Wednesday, May 5.

Apparently, Mahen had also experienced a love relationship of different religions. "I have also been in a relationship with different religions, first love as well. Even though the relationship is not going well, it's okay. Where the Seamin Tak Seiman relationship is painful but it has become a lesson for me and gave me an extraordinary experience" explained Mahen about this song.

Mahen revealed that he wrote this song because he was inspired by a song he had heard. “Some of my friends that have heard this song, have commented if this song is similar to a song. It's a natural thing in music if a new song is similar to an existing song. But actually, when I composed this song, I was a little bit inspired by Will Gittens' song, which title is A day With You,” continued Mahen.

In this song, Mahen and Beraldy Dean are skilled enough to play word for word in the song lyrics to convey the contents of this song. Even in the musical arrangement, it is presented neatly so that everything feels right and maybe it can represent the feelings of people who are experiencing dilemmas of interfaith relations.

"The song-making process only took 3-4 hours to make together with Mr. Beraldy. It's really cool, we break down with the song. The music arrangement is also Mr. Beraldy, then I gave an idea how if this song is given sound elements or church chords such as church bell sounds, and given a little Arabic Sound in certain parts. So that those who listen to this song can understand the taste we want to convey in this song,” said Mahen.
